A new law has been implemented in France to regulate student internships that will last at least two months and up to six months. However, for any student internship lasting less than a couple of months, the recruiter has a choice to pay the intern or not. This law has been more than welcome by students considering student internships are compulsory for most Bachelors and Master’s degrees students to graduate from higher education institutions and students usually need to spend more than usual to attend the internship.
Not only the minimum monthly pay is increasing but students will also benefit from the tickets restaurants when the company is providing them to its employees, coupons that can be used at many supermarkets, restaurants or cafés in France that were originally provided only to staff and excluding interns, usually costing the employer 50%-60% of its value and the staff the remaining 40%-50%.
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Two and a half years on, did this new law impact French institutions in QS’ World University rankings 2018?
Were students deterred from studying in France? Are universities in this region lower down in the rankings than they have been previously? Shortlist your rankings to ‘Europe’ to find out where French Universities rank continentally.
Until 1st December 2014, companies were required to pay their full-time interns at least 436.05€ (USD 524) per month. On 1st December 2014, the monthly wage increased to 487.03€ and since 1st January 2015 until 31st August 2015 recruiters need to pay their interns at least 508.20€ (USD 611). From September 2015 the minimum will be set to 554.40€ (USD 667). Companies are of course entitled to pay the interns more should they wish.
According to a survey conducted in France by AJStage, a specialist in the recruitment of interns and graduates, among 1845 respondents in 2014, a typical intern is paid 668€ (USD 783) per month, with interns hailing from Business Schools achieving the highest range at 748€, followed by students from IT schools at 726€ and engineering schools at 716€, university students at 600€, and students from schools of communication.
In comparison, in the UK, students required to find an internship for less than 1 year as part of a UK-based further or higher education course aren’t entitled to the national minimum wage and in many cases are not paid at all.