The ‘G’ in ESG: Understanding good governance in higher education 

Good governance is important in society’s efforts to make a more sustainable world, but it’s certainly not spoken about at the same frequency as its compatriots – environmental and social impact.   Effective, transparent governance is an integral part of an institution’s commitment to, and strategy around, sustainability.   In the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability

COP30 in Brazil: How sustainable are LATAM’s universities?

The UN’s COP30 will be held in Brazil later in 2025, bringing conversations and commitment on climate action to Latin America’s door. As the region prepares to host this pivotal global event, it highlights the urgency of sustainable practices across all sectors, including higher education. In this context, we are using QS data to assess

What is the QS World Future Skills Index?

The world of work is changing. Unprecedented rates of technological change mean that up to 375 million people may need to retrain in a new career and learn new skills by 2030 according to McKinsey’s ‘Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost’ report. It’s clear that governments and higher education systems must work together to build the capacity

How do students from the big international student source markets differ? 

Though cost of living is a concern globally, preferences and concerns differ among students from key source markets.  In the QS International Student Survey 2024, we gathered the views of over 140,000 prospective international students to truly find out what’s important to them. We ask them a suite of questions, and use their answers to

How disagreeing well can better prepare students for today’s pluralist world  

Modelling and rewarding constructive disagreement over universal agreement is key to today’s world challenges, says Dr Michael Spence, President and Provost at University College London (UCL).  At University College London (UCL) in the UK, disagreement has been built into the fabric of the institution since it was founded in the 1820s. The university’s history is

Reimagining higher education in a rapidly changing world

Key takeaways from the QS Reimagine Education Awards & Conference 2024 in London, UK As higher education sector and industry leaders united at QS Reimagine Education Awards & Conference 2024 in London, there was a resounding message at the heart of the three-day Summit: Higher education must support today’s students to build a better, fairer and