Discover what 42,000 international students expect and want from universities in Europe. We’ve drawn on granular insights from the 2023 QS International Student Survey – the largest of its kind...
Create your free QS Insights Magazine reader account to access these and more articles in the latest issue of the magazine. The Academic Panopticon: Subjecting students to increased scrutiny over...
Discover what 47,279 students say they expect and want from universities in North America. The report is underpinned by granular insights from the QS International Student Survey – the largest of...
Discover what 43,000 international students expect and want from universities in Australia and New Zealand. We’ve drawn on granular insights from the 2023 QS International Student Survey – the largest...
Create your free QS Insights Magazine reader account to access these and more articles in the latest issue of the magazine: A false dream? The UK government has taken strict...