What are the motivations and preferences of 68,000+ students looking to study in the UK?

Three students at a student recruitment fair.

Destination: UK is a report based on the QS International Student Survey 2024. We analysed the preferences and motivations of 68,353 students looking to study at university in the UK. Below is an extract of our key findings and recommendations for UK universities. 

Key findings from 68,353 students interested in studying in the UK 

High-quality teaching is a top priority 

High-quality teaching is the most important factor when choosing a university and course. They said the best way to measure a university’s teaching quality was that it was ranked well overall in independent ratings. 

Prospective students seek a welcoming environment 

76% of students interested in studying in the UK say that a welcoming environment for international students is an important factor when choosing a town or city to study in – the most popular answer. 

Sustainability is important to student decision-making 

63% of prospective students said environmental sustainability is very or extremely important to them. 

The next generation of students are using Generative AI technologies 

64% of candidates looking to study in the UK have used Generative AI technologies. 30% agree or strongly agree that AI is affecting their career choices. 38% actively seek information into how higher education institutions use AI and technology when researching universities. 

Existing international students are a key source of information 

49% of students looking to study in the UK said the ability to ask questions of existing international students was useful when making study decisions – the most popular answer. Despite this, few prospective students have managed to talk to current students.

Our recommendations for UK universities 

  1. Highlight and promote the credentials that evidence your institution’s high-quality teaching. Embed this message across marketing channels and student communications.  
  1. Ensure student enrolment advisors and marketing collateral reflects the UK’s welcoming nature, particularly focusing on any city-wide initiatives or accolades that can re-assure concerned students of a safe town, city, campus area and local community. 
  1. Effectively utilise employability messaging in your student marketing. Prospective students are already thinking about their career, as they choose courses because it leads to their chosen career, and seek information on work placements, graduate employment rate, and an institution’s careers service.  
  1. Make the most of your international students on-campus, ensuring they’re present in your marketing materials, and give prospective students a chance to contact them. 
  1. Show your institution’s sustainable impact by using demonstrable, real-world examples of activity, such as on-campus initiatives and working with the local community. 
  1. Recognise the opportunity and risks arising from Generative AI usage. Consider how to embed AI-specific skill development into curricula, while adapting testing styles to minimise academic misconduct 

Discover more insights 

Read Destination: UK. You’ll find insights and recommendations on:  

  • Generative AI  
  • Sustainability and navigating students’ concerns  
  • The process of applying to university  
  • Employability

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