EECA: 9 Interesting Facts From the 2016 QS University Rankings by Region

The Central University Library, old building in Bucharest

It’s been two years since the first edition of the QS University Rankings by Region: EECA (Emerging Europe Central Asia), yet the region has seen a lot of change within its HE system in this short space of time.This year’s ranking includes 200 universities – 50 more than last year – from across 21 different nations. Here are nine interesting findings from our latest release to take away:

1. Russia’s universities once again rule the regional rankings

Red square in Russia

  • All the top three places are taken by Russian universities.
  • 64 Russian universities feature in this ranking, more than any other nation.
  • Within the top 100, Russia’s biggest riser is the National University of Science and Technology (MISIS), which jumps a huge 12 places to 63rd.


2. Turkey holds its own

  • Turkey has drawn level with Russia, boasting five top 20 universities in the rankings.
  • Turkey’s highest ranked university is Bogaziçi Üniversitesi, which has climbed eight places since last year, coming in 9th.
  • Bilkent University, Sabanci University, Middle East Technical University, and Koç University all feature in the top 20.
  • Turkey has the second highest number of universities in the ranking after Russia.

3. Poland makes it into the top 10

University sign in Poland

  • Two Polish universities are ranked in the top 10: The University of Warsaw, 6th, and Jagiellonian University, 7th.
  • Warsaw University of Technology has risen six places, placing it in the top 20.
  • A total of 15 Polish universities are featured in this year’s ranking, placing Poland in 4th place when it comes to largest national representation.
  • Two more Polish universities have been added since last year: the University of Bialystock and the University of Rzeszów.

4. Lithuania slips from the top 20

St. Anne's church in Vilnius old town, Lithuania

  • Vilnius University slips out of the top 20, meaning Lithuania loses its hold on the leader board.
  • A similar picture emerges in the top 50, Kaunas University of Technology loses one place, moving to 51st.
  • Seven Lithuanian universities feature in this year’s EECA university rankings – two more than last year.

5. Kazakhstan breaks into the top 20

  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University climbs 10 places this year, putting it straight into the top 20: a first for the country.
  • Within the top 50, two other universities in Kazakhstan are featured: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and Kazakh National Technical University.
  • 18 Kazakh universities are featured this year, making this country the third most-represented in the EECA Ranking

6. A strong year for Hungary

  • Five Hungarian universities are among the region’s top 50 in this year’s rankings.
  • Once again, The University of Szeged remains the country’s top ranked institution.
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics climbs 10 places to 22nd, but Eotvos Lorand University drops 11 places to 27th.
  • Hungary has eight universities in the published ranking.

7. Bulgaria triples its representation

The seaside resort of Sozopol in Bulgaria

  • Thanks to the expansion of the ranking, Bulgaria now has three times as many institutions featured.
  • Sofia University is still the highest ranked institution, coming in in the top 50.
  • The American University in Bulgaria and Trakia University are the two newcomers, both entering the top 200.

8. The Czech Republic is among the region’s elite

Beautiful view to Vltava and bridges in Prague, Czech republic

  • Three Czech universities are among the top 10 this year.
  • Charles University is the highest ranked, coming in 4th.
  • In 7th place is the Czech Technical University in Prague, and Masaryk University comes in 10th.
  • 12 universities from The Czech Republic are featured, an increase of five for this year’s release.

9. Belarus & Azerbaijan struggle

view of the city of Vitebsk, Belarus

  • Belarus holds the same number of universities in the top 100 as it did last year: two.
  • However, both institutions have fallen in the rankings: Belarus State University is down three places to 29th and The Belarusian National Technical University slides eight places to 80th.
  • In Azerbaijan, Khazar University remains its highest ranked institution but drops from 67th to 68th.
  • Baku State University drops five places and is now ranked 88th.
  • Qafqaz University also falls from 78th to 89th.

For the full picture, and a look at the methodology, explore the full rankings:

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