This study summarises key internet usage trends found from respondents in Europe. The findings were taken from a global student survey conducted in 2014, in which students from every region of the world were asked about student digital usage and consumption.
Rather than re-writing these findings (I wouldn’t even try to compete with Laura’s immaculate writing skills), I’ve decided to simply quote them below:
- European students reported some of the lowest internet usage levels – 50% said they spend only three or less hours on the internet per day. This compares to 36% in the US & Canada, 46% in Africa, 50% in Asia and 22% in Latin America.
- Overall trends in internet usage by device use were almost identical for respondents in Europe and those in the US & Canada – in both cases, laptops remained the most-used device, but smartphones and tablets are definitely emerging as primary devices.
- Among European students, respondents in Spain were the most likely to report smartphones as their primary internet device – a whopping 35% of students in Spain said they used a smartphone more often than laptop, tablet or desktop.
- After Spain, the next highest users of smartphones were: France (26%), Bulgaria (23%), Russia (23%) and the UK (22%). The lowest smartphone penetration was in Greece (8%).
- Highest usage of tablets was found in Ukraine, where 12% of respondents said tablets were their most-used internet device. Close behind were France, Italy and Romania – all with 10%. Again, the lowest usage reported was in Greece (2%), but the UK wasn’t far off (3%).
- Overall, as we found worldwide, laptops were the most commonly reported primary internet device across all the European countries surveyed.
- And finally, a look at social media usage… Across Europe, the most popular social network emerged as YouTube, with 84% of respondents saying they use it ‘all the time’. Next were Facebook (81%), Twitter (75%) and LinkedIn (74%).
The full Students’ Online Usage Report compares these results with those of other regions and takes a look at trends occurring across the globe… It’s well worth a read.
Personally, I found some of these results quite shocking… For example, why do European students spend less time online than other regions of the world? Why do Spanish students in particular use mobile devices more than other students in the rest of Europe?
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of these findings… Do they reflect your own experience marketing to this region? Were you aware of these trends?
For more reports, whitepapers, research or even just a chat, drop us a note and we’d be happy to oblige.