How are Prospective International Students in Different Subject Areas Responding to the Coronavirus?

subject areas coronavirus

Wondering how prospective Business and Management, Engineering and Technology, Medicine and Dentistry, Social Sciences, and Computing students are responding to the coronavirus crisis? 

Ongoing QS research has revealed key insights into how prospective international students in different subject areas are responding to the coronavirus crisis.  

The study plans of prospective Business and Management students are more likely to be affected by the coronavirus with 69% of respondents, compared to 64% overall. 

Conversely, the study plans of prospective Medicine and Dentistry students were the least likely to be affected with 63% of respondents.  

This student group was also the least likely to defer with 48% choosing this option, compared to 56% overall and 61% of Business and Management prospects.  

These and other insights are detailed in the latest QS white paper, How COVID-19 is Impacting Prospective International Students Across Subject Areas, including:  

  • The subject areas most interested in online learning 
  • The subject areas most willing to start their studies this academic year, even if online 
  • The subject areas who expect discounted tuition fees as a result  

The white paper also delves into whether prospective international students would prefer universities to move more of their lectures online or hold lectures in larger rooms to minimize close contact.  

Interestingly, prospective students across the five subject areas would prefer universities to hold lectures in larger rooms, rather than online.  

This suggests that universities may want to consider how to best deliver lectures in-person while maintaining safe social distancing.  

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