QSLEAP have already picked up awards in 2018 for “Best Online test-prep platform of the year” and “Best education webinar series”.
Both being external, peer-reviewed awards, Edtechreview analyzed QSLEAP’s core learning frameworks and how they contributed toward higher education study for each of their unique users. With evidence suggesting that QSLEAP has indeed produced one of the largest and most advanced test-prep outlets for business school prospects, they were presented with the “Best online test-prep platform of the year”.
the latter -“Best Education Webinar series” – at the Indian Education Awards 2018 was given for the very innovative Socratic-dialogue series of LIVE classes that the platform runs for free as part of the mastery framework of learning.
What is QSLEAP
QSLEAP was the first social and free test preparation site in the world, allowing students to access personal and social learning systems for the GMAT, GRE, SAT or LSAT.
It incorporates cutting-edge Science and artificial intelligence to personalize learning so that students can develop their skills efficiently and improve their scores.
I hate it when someone tells me that I can’t learn something if I don’t pay a price for it. That’s a myth. – Soumik Ganguly, QS LEAP Head of Product
It emerged from the belief that access to test prep support should be freely available for all, and that connecting with fellow students and tutors is one of the most effective ways to learn.
What makes the platform unique
- One of the best learning models – a combination of interleaving, spaced repetition, and retrieval practice – into QSLEAP and made the platform learner adaptive so that people with varying degrees of learning abilities could prepare without the stress and efforts that are in general associated with existing preparation and learning platforms.
- Their system creates a learning opportunity for thousands that is unbiased, dynamic, adaptive, low in the effort, and effective.
- They have created a “retrieval practice” through their LIVE classes wherein candidates who were preparing on the platform could access these classes, and remove any learning gap that may have existed across multiple topics.
Have a look for yourself and see how QS provide value for students across all platforms.