The first ranking of its kind, it was launched in a stunning city of Budapest nearing Christmas, on the 17th of December. We evaluated 368 universities from the region and published the Top 100, where 18 countries were represented.
The event was a success with over 90 delegates representing over 40 different organisations from 15 different countries. It was a very busy day filled with presentations from a variety of stakeholders, revelation of the rankings results, a panel discussion, a masterclass on rankings and even some Hungarian folk dancing!
We were hosted by one of the oldest and largest institutions in Hungary, Eotvos Lorand University. They proved to be a fantastic host with a beautiful university:
Our audience was well-prepared, inquisitive and engaged. We received a fantastic presentation from Bogazici University in Turkey sharing reasons behind their success in the rankings. There was a lot of interest and the questions asked were insightful and often challenging demonstrating that rankings are now much better understood and the demands from the audience are higher.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our partner Gumilyov Eurasian National University and our general sponsor, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod who have supported this event. We would also like to give a special thank you to our media partner – Rossiya Segodnya for providing us with an outstanding coverage and sharing a really interesting presentation on Why Most University Communication Strategies Don’t Work.
The results were co-presented by Ben Sowter, Head of QS Intelligence Unit, and Dasha Karzunina, International Research Liaison at QS. The full presentation can be found here and the full results here.
The masterclass on rankings was delivered by Hanna Khikhol, Research Assistant at QS, who has gone into depth about the process of data collection and the complexity of the rankings. I must admit her session was one of the most popular, which shows the demand for detailed explanation of the rankings process. Her presentation can be found here.
Given the high number of Russian representatives, we had a session on Russia’s higher education potential, delivered by Dr Shadi Hijazi, our Senior Consultant at QS. His presentation can be found here.
Building on the success of this rankings and its launch, we are very excited about next year’s edition which is promising to be bigger and better – with Top 200 institutions published in 2015. Stay in touch and visit this website for regular updates about EECA 2015.