QS Employability Solutions

We are employability pioneers. The only rankings provider to recognise its critical importance. For students. For higher education. For the future. 

This is the QS employability advantage

The world is changing, and so is the workplace. We need graduates who aren’t just qualified, but adaptable, resilient and ready to lead.   Competition is fierce – for your institution, and your students.   Leverage our unparalleled insight and expert guidance: 

  • 100,000 perspectives from more than 40,000 employers in over 120 locations and 20 sectors, collated each year in our Employer Reputation Survey   
  • 20 years of prospective international student insights  
  • Real-time data from over 170 million global job listings  
  • Input from careers advisors and industry leaders

One unstoppable graduate at a time

Together, we’re redefining how higher education shapes work-ready graduates. The QS suite of employability solutions helps students identify, understand and prepare for career success.  

  • Close the skills gap by aligning your offer with industry needs  
  • Contribute to a workforce that thrives in a changing world  
  • Champion lifelong, agile learningfor all 

Leading global universities and organisations already partner with us to transform their employability offer and outcomes

Government of Columbia logo         Government of Canada logo          University of Waterloo logo                 Arizona State University logo
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Our employability solutions: Your competitive edge

Our comprehensive suite of employability products and services help you stand out with a strong value proposition, streamline your strategy, and maximise your results.   

  • Support your students’ skill development from pre-departure to post-graduation with our industry-recognised micro-credentials.   
  • From white labelled training portals to custom analytics dashboards – we help craft scalable solutions that align with your institution’s unique goals.   
  • Gain crystal-clear visibility with real-world, real-time intelligence, like job market trends and employer perceptions.
  • Future-proof your careers teams with the very latest industry knowledge, AI-powered resources, and intuitive platforms to streamline operations and deliver exceptional student support.  

Find out more about our employability solutions, and how we can help support you and your students.

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When we work together to improve employability, we all benefit:


Secure the career they deserve.


Boost recruitment, retention, reputation and performance.


Close the skills gap and build their dream team.


Societies flourish, economies grow, challenges solved.

The students have spoken

  • One in three prospective students place a high graduate employment rate among the top five most important factors when choosing a course  
  • Over half see it as a direct indication of teaching quality   
  • Almost two in three students prioritise learning new skills when choosing a university course  

Source: QS International Student Survey 2023  

And for employers, it’s urgent

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2027: 

  • 50% of the workforce will need to upskill or reskill  
  • 85 million roles will be eliminated 
  • 69 million new roles will be created  

A good degree is no longer enough. 87% of companies already grapple with a skills gap (Mind the [skills] gap, McKinsey, 2021). From AI expertise to emotional intelligence, resilience to social responsibility, today’s employers prioritise an evolving set of skills far beyond textbook knowledge.  

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