Social media is becoming more frequently intertwined in the marketing strategies of universities and colleges.
Rightly so. It is important to make the most of an easily identifiable and dedicated audience. In higher education, prospective students, current, former and educators are very well versed and familiarised with social media.
To utilize this targetted audience, it is important that an institution has content to match and be able to post effectively across all social media channels.
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It is important that institutions engage and interact with their audience to reinforce their role as serving for student needs. Teasers around events or countdown tweets can be extremely effective here. Branded graphics and animated Gifs are a great way to engage students, too.
[/fusion_content_box][fusion_content_box title=”Target your audience ” backgroundcolor=”” icon=”fa-bullseye” iconflip=”” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” iconcolor=”#ff9800″ circlecolor=”” circlebordersize=”” circlebordercolor=”” outercirclebordersize=”” outercirclebordercolor=”” image=”” image_width=”” image_height=”” link=”” linktext=”” link_target=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
Schools may choose to search for relevant hashtags in order to adapt their own content to suit topical discussions and trends. Research online behavior, with the help of relevant studies and infographics to establish specifics by social media channels, age, level of education and more.
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Institutions should use a range of content to make sure they have covered all of their audience interests. Specifics on individual faculty areas is great for building relationships with students, but it is important to do so across a number of fields. You might want to also include news content, research, student life and upcoming events.
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An institution might want to use a set hashtag for promotional activities. From here, they can use this across a multitude of marketing activities, in order to grow their online presence. Partners may even be willing to share content with your hashtag in too.
With so many universities and colleges using social media, you can’t afford to stay away for long. As easily as you would Google a candidate, candidates will Google you.