QS Venue Spaces Terms

Last updated: 20th May 2024

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1. Interpretation

The definitions in this clause apply in these QS Venue Space Terms. Other defined terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the General Agreement between QS and the Customer and in QS General Terms and Conditions.

Event: the event or function for which the Customer is hiring the Venue Space, as specified in the Order.

Hire Period: the period of time agreed for the hire of the Venue Space as described in the Order, to include any period of time to set up and clear the Event.

Services: the supply of catering services and consumables, and any additional services or equipment, at the Event as specified in the Order.

Third Party: any person other than QS or the Customer who has an interest in the hire of the particular Venue Space, this may include the owner of a Venue Space; any person from whom QS may be hiring a Venue Space; supplier of catering services; supplier of audio visual equipment.

Venue Space: the area or rooms to be hired by the Customer, as specified in the Order.

2.  Supply of Services

2.1 Where applicable QS shall arrange for the supply the Services to the Customer during the Hire Period.

2.2 The Customer must not use any external caterers or bring (or permit guests to bring) any food or drink (including alcoholic drinks) into the Venue Space without the prior written consent of QS.

3. Licence and use of Venue

3.1 The Customer shall have the right for the Hire Period to enter and use the Venue Space for the Event in accordance with these terms. The Customer acknowledges that:

(a) the Customer shall have the right to enter and use the Venue Space as a licensee only and no relationship of a landlord and tenant is created between QS and Customer; and

(b) the Customer has no right to exclude QS or any Third Party from the Venue. QS reserves the right to enter the Venue Space during the Hire Period;

(c) the Customer shall not directly engage any Third Party in relation to the Event or use of the Venue Space.

3.2 The Customer agrees and undertakes:

(a) not to use the Venue Space other than for the Event;

(b) not to do or permit to be done anything on the Venue Space which is illegal or which may be or become a nuisance (whether actionable or not), annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to QS or to any other customers of QS, or any Third Party, or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property;

(c) to comply (and ensure that its staff and agents comply) with these terms and any instructions or notices from QS or any Third Party, and use reasonable efforts to ensure that any guests or other persons present at the Event so comply;

(d) not to cause or permit to be caused any damage to the Venue Space, including any furnishings, equipment or fixtures at the Venue Space;

(e) not to smoke or permit smoking (including e-cigarettes) anywhere in the Venue Space;

(f) not to fix any bolts, nails, tacks, screws, adhesives, tape or other such fixing devices to the walls or fabric of the Venue Space;

(g) not to display any advertisement, signboards, flag, banner, placard, poster, signs or notices at the Venue without the prior written consent of QS;

(h) not to alter, move or interfere with any lighting, heating, power, cabling or other electrical fittings or appliances at the Venue Space, or install or use additional heating, power, cabling or other electronic fittings or appliances without the prior written consent of QS;

(i) to leave the Venue Space in a clean and tidy condition and to remove the Customer’s decorations, displays and any other Customer equipment from the Venue Space at the end of the Hire Period;

(j) to ensure that all guests leave the Venue Space at the end of the Hire Period.

3.3 The Customer shall ensure that the guests behave in a responsible and safe manner at the Event, and QS reserves the right to remove or request that the Customer remove guests that do not do so from the Event and the Venue Space.

4. Guest numbers and dietary information

4.1 Where applicable the Customer shall confirm the final catering numbers to QS at least 21 days before the Event. Charges for the Services will be calculated on the final catering number or the number actually attending, whichever is the greater.

4.2 Special dietary requirements should be notified to QS no later than 21 days before the Event.


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1.020th May 2024First Version