We recently held a webinar focusing on the topic of our new report, ‘Are You Making a Good First Impression?’ with a focus on recruiting international students. During the session, we shared ideas and insights on the importance of initial interactions with prospective students, and how a strong first impression can impact your international student recruitment efforts.
During the webinar we received some excellent questions from attendees, which inspired us to create a series of short blog posts exploring the issues raised. Several participants asked what our research has shown to be the top priorities for students from Asia…
How international students choose an institution
Several of our recent reports have identified key trends among prospective students in Asia, highlighting how their motivations and ambitions differ from those applying from other regions.
Our annual international applicant survey found that suggests that students in Asia are relatively more likely to value the overall reputation of the university, rather than simply the subject-specific reputation. They’re also especially likely to place a high priority on funding opportunities, and tend to rate the location as less important compared to applicants from other regions.
During our recent series of focus groups, we’ve found that prospective students in China are especially likely to place a very high priority on rankings and the overall reputation of the institution – seeing this as essential in order to secure a good job when they return to the very competitive Chinese graduate labour market.
We’ve also just finished conducting focus groups with students applying from South East Asia and India, so watch this space for more details on the key trends from those!
Stay tuned for upcoming posts and webinars covering the priorities of Asian students early next year. In the meantime, you can find out more in our recent report, International Student Motivations.