Offer Conversion Services

Convert more of the right students for your institution with our insights-led conversion service.

Improve your offer holder experience with QS

You’ve worked hard to make the offers. You don’t want to lose your future students at the last stage. It’s important they are nurtured and their enquiries are answered quickly.

With large volumes of enquiries and slow systems, it can sometimes prove tricky to provide them with the experience they expect.

That’s where QS comes in. We’ll use our AI technology to identify your offer holders most likely to convert.

Our student advisors will then use best practice student recruitment communications to proactively engage with these offer holders as a priority, while sophisticated nurture programmes keep the remaining offer holders engaged with relevant content and CTAs.

Happy offer holders will lead to more enrolments and tuition fee revenue.

Want to know more? Continue reading or contact us and one of our conversion experts will be happy to help.


QS Admissions

How we’ll help you improve your offer holder experience

Three students smiling and laughing as they sit at a desk in front of laptops and notebooks.

Informed by data and insights  

We use sector insights, results from our largest International Student Survey in the world, data from the million student journeys we handle a year and QS client group to inform our communications and offer holder conversion activities. We will also share these insights with you to help your refine your student recruitment strategy and optimise your student journey.

Bespoke global resource built for you 

Unlike other providers, the experienced QS team is spread across six global locations. Our advisors will present themselves as staff from your university and provide personalised communications on the preferred channels, in their time zone. 

Happy, confident and smiling call centre agent talking on a headset while working on computer in an office. Saleswoman or consultant operating a help desk for customer care and service support
A woman in a light blue sweater using a phonw.

Rapid and personalised responses

We offer a 24-hour service window and promise that all enquiries will be responded to within one day. We will build communication strategies for your groups of offer holders and test, optimise and personalise communications to improve their experience. 

Prioritisation for growth and diversification 

We segment your offer holders intelligently, using advanced AI technology. Bespoke machine learning models will be built to give QS and your teams ‘x-ray vision’ into your offer holder data. Enabling us to identify and prioritise those most likely to enrol. 

A photograph of one student sitting at a table, holding a pen and smiling while looking at a computer.

Support their enrolment journey

Through our exclusive partnership with Successful Graduate+, you can set up a university-branded training portal that provides a suite of free micro-credential courses to support their enrolment journey. Courses include pre-departure and academic readiness, designed to prepare them for success. They will feel supported and arrive on campus confident and ready to start their studies.

A woman in glasses works at a desk with a laptop and monitor showing various graphs and charts.
A photograph of a group of colleagues working on a white board of ideas while a woman stands and two women are sat at a table.

Live reporting and service improvements

You will have access to a live dashboard which provides access to immediate and up-to-date picture of your pipeline to enable agile decision making to respond to changes. We will also provide support and advice on what changes should be made to optimise results.  

Frequently asked questions

How can the QS team represent my university when they don’t work for us?

Our team is an extension of yours. 

We work with you to develop a bespoke onboarding schedule for all QS staff involved in our partnership that enables to absorb your institutional DNA, perfectly align with your brand and emulate your tone of voice. Building on the experience of dozens of large-scale partnerships, we ensure our professional education sales and admissions teams know every pertinent detail about your courses, location and university so we can support your offer holders.  All the communications we send are university branded and when prospective students speak to QS advisors they will be speaking to a true extension of the university teams.  

How does your service integrate with our teams and systems?

Almost all our university partners already have a CRM system and teams who are delivering activities to convert and enrol students. Our services our designed to complement and enhance your existing systems and activities. Many of our university partners have integrated their CRM with ours (we will work with your IT teams to achieve this). We also provide access to our CRM system so you can view the details of your prospects at any time. Some university partners ask us to support them with particular cohorts, e.g. courses, countries or regions, and some their whole service. We can adapt our services to meet your needs and as part of our onboarding process we will make sure our activities align and complement yours, with regular reporting and feedback to maximise the results. 

What is machine learning?

QS machine learning is a powerful AI-assisted technology for student recruitment. We have developed this technology over the last four years with our university partners. It uses insights and data to help identify which enquiries, applicants or offer holders are more likely to convert. Universities and QS can then focus efforts on these individuals to have the biggest impact on the conversion rate, enrolments and improve ROI. For more information download our Rising applications and enquiry volume whitepaper.  

How much does your services cost?

Every partnership we forge is unique, meeting the exact needs of each university. Because of this, the cost of the service varies greatly dependent on many factors, such as scale of the service, timeframes, geographical locations and technology deployed. We offer 12 month proof-of-concept pilots, which are popular with our university partners as they provide an opportunity to test our services and show university stakeholders the impact before a longer-term partnership is develops 

Want to know more?

Get in touch with us and one of our offer conversion experts will be happy to help.

Contact us

What do our institutional partners think?

Other solutions for you

Enquiry management

Discover how you can improve your enquiry response timesexperience and conversion with the help of our enrolment experts.

Admissions support

Designed to improve your turnaround time to assess applications and make offers before your competition.

Student retenion

Improve your student experience and outcomes with our prioritised and proactive engagement. 

Not sure what support you need?

Don’t worry. Get in touch and we can help guide you.

Contact us